5 Advantages of Chat bot and Voice bot Services on Company Website

Chatbot is a web service or feature on a web that allows business people to communicate with customers or web visitors in real-time. The implementation of an AI-enabled chatbot solution that could enhance the institution’s customer experience and drive operational efficiency. 

Through intelligent automation, the chatbot was able to provide customers with instant responses to their queries and requests, reducing wait times and improving overall engagement. This means that when a customer visits a website and has a question, the customer can immediately ask the business person via chatbot and voice bot.

Voice bots are software powered by artificial intelligence (AI) that allow a caller to navigate an interactive voice response (IVR) system with their voice, generally using natural language. Callers don’t have to listen to menus and press corresponding numbers on their keypads.

Chatbot and voice bot services provide many advantages for business, such as sales increase, increase customer retention, conversion increase, brand reputation increase, and customer satisfaction increase. Here’s the explanation why chatbot and voice bot will increase those things.

Why chatbot and voice bot will increase those things?

Increase sales

Sales/Sales Increase

One of the most important parts of a business is sales. Quoted from blueladz.com, businesses that provide Chatbot and voice bot services on websites can get increased sales and user retention more effectively. The reason is, 51% of customers say the possibility of making a purchase increases if there is a chat bot and voice bot service, especially if the service satisfies the customer.

Conversion Increase

 Conversion Increase

In contrast to retention, conversion means how the company gets customers to take “action”. For example, making purchases, putting items in a shopping cart, making bargains, and so on. The chatbot and voice bot feature makes it easier for customers if they have questions before making a purchase. The American Marketing Association says chat bot and voice bot services for B2B companies can increase conversions by at least 20%.

Increased Customer Retention

Increased Customer Retention

Customer service was originally a factor in increasing customer retention. However, the use of the chat bot and voice bot feature has been shown to increase customer retention by up to 48%. As is well known, one of the goals of a business is to make customers come back to visit the website and return to make transactions on your business. A high retention rate can prove that your customers are satisfied with your business products and services so that customers will decide to make a return transaction. So, the use of chatbot and voice bot has proven to be very effective in increasing customer retention.

Brand Reputation Increases

Brand Reputation Increases

Chatbot and voice bot services can increase customer confidence in the company by up to 41%. This will lead to increased social traffic to the website and lead to increased retention. With increased customer trust and social traffic, the brand’s reputation will increase.

Increased Customer Satisfaction

Increased Customer Satisfaction

Chatbot and voice bot services that can serve customers in real-time will certainly please customers and increase customer satisfaction. The Chatbot and voice bot feature will make it very easy for customers if they want to ask questions about a product or make a complaint about the problems they are experiencing.

Solutif is a contact center solution for your company. With our chatbot and voice bot service, we are confident that we will increase your company sales, conversion, customer retention, brand reputation, and customer satisfaction. 

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Solutif aims to be your one stop solution focused on providing professionals contact center services of talent supply or managing business process outsourcing.

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